Fresh baby greens, grown for locals.
BrightFarms gives more people access to the freshest, tastiest, cleanest, most responsibly grown produce available. Why They Do It? For the health of all people, and our planet. It’s a big job, and they’re up for it.
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Grow Local
Fresh for all. For people and for planet. Local sun-grown greens are the way that nature intended it. Happy farmers grow the tastiest salads.
Brightfarms is a company that we are very excited to have as a client. Their eco-friendly message of sustainability and transparency was easy to communicate, especially using interviews with employees who clearly believe in the company’s mission. Both videos were filmed in Brightfarms’ Illinois greenhouse, a huge facility where healthy, delicious greens are grown in a closed loop, pesticide-free hydroponic system. We embraced the natural light from the transparent greenhouse roof and filmed sweeping shots of the huge indoor farm, as well as close-ups of the produce to show its freshness.
The second commercial featured a second shoot day with a family at a home in Chicago for some lifestyle shots and a customer testimonial interview. We used supplemental lighting to continue the same motif of sunlight and brightness in the kitchen, complementing the sunny shots from the greenhouse. The testimonial featured both original copy and some improved lines from the talent, giving the testimonial a very authentic feel while communicating Brightfarms’ message concisely.